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Project Introduction:

Stale refuse disposal technique is similar to household refuse disposal. After disposal of stale refuse from landfill, the company utilizes Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) technology to remove Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and methane in soil. This technique injects air into polluted areas by inject wells and utilizes vacuum pump to produce negative pressure. When the air flows through polluted areas, the air desorbs and brings VOCs from soil back to the ground by extracting wells. Extracting air goes through purification disposal by active carbon adsorption or biological treatment and then the air can be discharged or injected into the underground for reuse. SVE has advantages of low cost, strong maneuverability, adopting standard equipment, broad scope of organics disposal, no destruction of soil structure and no secondary pollution. Removal rate of petroleum hydrocarbons pollutants in benzene series and other light components reaches 90%.
The company utilizes Multi-layer Enhance Groundwater Remediation Technology to remediate underground water in landfill. This technology is a new underground water remediation technique made up of pumping water system, distribution system, remediation system, recirculation system and monitor system.

浙江瑞丰环保科技有限公司由力天环保于2015年成立,地处景宁县人民中路鹤溪镇人民中路101号501室,现有员工近30人,是股份制现代科技企业,主要从事生活垃圾无害化处理、资源化利用等。公司集项目投资、技术研发、设备成套供应(另成立公司)、技术咨询为一体的综合性环保企业。浙江瑞丰建立院士工作站在科研及专利、成果转化、科技人员和经济等方面具有一定的工作基础。 浙江景宁生活垃圾(300t/d)综合资源化处理项目总投资16711.76万元(静态投资)位于浙江省丽水市景宁族自治县红星街道西坑村南侧至庙岗地块内,项目占地面积23310平方米。主要采用生活垃圾热解气化工艺,对生活垃圾及陈腐垃圾进行无害化处理。 
本项目的运行对改善景宁县的环境质量,保障居民健康,保护小溪、滩坑水库及沿途的 生态资源等都是长远之计,同时也有利于打造浙江畲乡风情生态旅游县的建设。将全面加强城乡生活垃圾全过程监管,完善生活垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化处理水平。 目前,力天环保科技有限公司取得的专利,已大部分应用到了景宁项目,解决了实际问题,实现了成果转化。
